Karina : Carrot Cake Bliss Balls

 Q + A


Tell me about yourself!

I am a mom and certified health coach.  My focus with my Instagram page @nourishinglittlebites is to empower parents that eating wholesome food is not boring nor bland for kids.  I use my platform to share delicious recipes using simple, real ingredients and meal times tips for feeding kids!

What do you love about this recipe, and how has it helped you with feeding your toddler?

These carrot cake bliss balls are made with only 7 ingredients and they feel like such a treat.  I created this recipe when I was asked to bring in a sweet snack for my son’s Diwali (Indian New Year) class celebration. I wanted something that the kids and adults would enjoy but with minimal sugar.

These bliss balls are sweetened with honey and are 100% refined sugar free.  The almond butter adds some protein and healthy fats making them a great snack or lunchbox addition.  Plus it’s a great recipe to get kids in the kitchen.  My 5 year old son has so much fun making this recipe with me and rolling them into little balls!

What is your biggest tip when it comes to feeding a toddler?

Keep on giving them different opportunities to try foods they say they don’t like.  Just because a certain food doesn’t appeal to them one way, doesn’t mean they won’t enjoy it another way.  For example steamed Brussels sprout are still a big no-no for us, but when roasted they are always enjoyed.

Also, I try to sit and eat meals with my son as much as I can.  It has been a great way to positively role model healthy eating habits.  Sometimes he’ll be more willing to a food just because he took it off my plate.

What is your current eating challenge and how are you working to overcome it/how did you overcome it?

Sweets!  Sameer recently started kindergarten and he’s been seeing his friends bring packets of cookies to school for snacks, so he was asking for it.  I started adding a store bought cookie with some fruits and vegetables a few times a week as a snack.  After a week I switched the cookie for a home made snack and now he's been ok with it and stopped asking me for cookies.  I felt by listening to his request and showing him how we can include fun foods as a part of our diet is a really useful lesson, and I will continue to include them sporadically so he doesn’t ever feel deprived.

How do you keep your child entertained when prepping a meal?

Now my son is at a good age where he can play by himself while I am in the kitchen.  However, when he was younger I would bring him in the kitchen to help me while I was prepping or give him some pots and pans!

Follow Karina at: @nourishinglittlebites

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 Karina’s Recipe