Kaleigh McMordie : Zucchini Oatmeal Breakfast Cookies

 Q + A


Tell me about yourself!

I’m a mom of two daughters and a registered dietitian who loves food and cooking. I help people take the stress out of feeding themselves and their families with delicious recipes made with real, simple ingredients.

What do you love about this recipe, and how has it helped you with feeding your toddler?

I actually created these zucchini breakfast cookies for me, mostly. I love having nourishing, low sugar snacks around that I can grab and eat with one hand! Luckily, Queen C loves them, too and will ask for them for breakfast or a snack. If she eats one for breakfast, I’ll serve it with a little bit of plain Greek yogurt and some fruit. So easy! They’re freezer friendly, so you can freeze half of the batch for later.

What is your biggest tip when it comes to feeding a toddler?

Let them help you in the kitchen! They’re so much more likely to try new foods if they help prepare them. It’s also just a great learning experience for them. We love our learning tower so Queen C can help me ‘stir stir’!

What is your current eating challenge and how are you working to overcome it/how did you overcome it?

Queen C all of a sudden won’t eat much at meal times. So we’re definitely having to watch the snacks and amount of milk she’s drinking. I love the nutrients in dairy, but too much can crowd out other foods, so I’m trying to limit milk to breakfast and dinner times only. I try to give her fruit and veggies as snacks so that I know she’s getting them, and if she’s truly hungry she will eat them but not ruin her next meal.

How do you keep your child entertained when prepping a meal?

By letting her help (sometimes!) or sending her to play outside with her dad. Or TV, not going to lie!

Follow Kaleigh at: @livelytable and her new instagram dedicated to baby/toddler feeding: @lively.littles


 Kaleigh’s Recipe